Should Or Shouldn’t The Floor Be Screeding With Sand And Cement Before Laying Floor Tiles?

To complete the interior of the home, tiles play an extremely important role. Floor tiles show the lifestyle and aesthetic taste of the homeowner. Aesthetics and ease of cleaning are outstanding advantages when tiling tiles for the floor instead of just cementing the floor. However, is the tiled floor guaranteed if the floor is not covered with sand and cement before laying floor tiles, let’s find out the answer with Autraliatiler through this article!

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Floor screed is composed of cementitious materials and sand blended based on a suitable mix design and applied to provide a leveled surface for the floor finish which is introduced to the surface of the floor screed. So, floor screed is the base for the floor finish and greatly influences the performance of floor finish.


Screed, on the other word, is a thinner mixture of cement and aggregates. It is often used as a leveling layer between the subfloor and the floor finish.


Screed provides long-term solidity in your floors and is widely used in commercial, domestic, and outdoor use.


screed the floor

The process of screed the floor takes a lot of time and effort to perform, but this is a very important step so the constructor cannot be ignored. Floor screeding is the basis for finishing the floor and greatly affects the quality, function and durability of the entire floor system when installing tiles. The reasons we should screed the floor before laying tiles:

  • Screeding will make tiler laying tiles easier.
  • When the floor is not screeded, the tiles will be laid directly on the concrete floor, without any cement sand lining. Meanwhile, the expansion coefficient of reinforced concrete floors is much smaller than that of floor tiles.
  • Screeding is essential so that the background does not have gaps under the tiles . When there is an impact from the sun, the tile will absorb heat and expand (at this time the concrete floor has not yet expanded), at a certain time there will be no room to expand, then Tiles popping up and cracking causing the floor be puffed. Causing loss of aesthetics and damage to the floor.
  • The base screed acts as a buffer and helps to absorb some of the heat from the tiles.
  • Screeding will make the background more beautiful.The screeding will help the floor to be flat, compensate for the rough areas so that the floor after laying tiles is also flat. Both ensure aesthetics and ensure safety, avoiding protrusions and concavities on the floor.
  • Screeding helps to increase the adhesion, the connection between the floor and the tiles.
  • Prevent water from seeping into the concrete slab.



1. Prepare before rolling the floor

  • Comply with requirements on screeding specifications, screeding thickness, …
  • Clean the floor surface, chisel the cement mortar layer on the surface due to the construction process, the old bowl (if any).
  • For toilet areas or places frequently exposed to water, it must be treated with waterproofing and technical water testing before screeding.

before screeding

  • Moisten the substrate before screeding.
  • Apply glue to create a bond between the floor and the screed.

2. Floor screeding steps

Step 1: Restore the floor surface

Restore the standard height of the floor, according to which the technical standard height is 1m higher than the plastered wall

Step 2: Check the floor surface before screeding

  • Check carefully whether the surface is smooth or not, if not, it is necessary to re-clean and create smoothness before screeding.
  • Check that the elevation and slope of the base with the design
  • Make sure the screed does not make mistakes such as blistering, too dry, too wet,…

Identify common errors in construction

Step 3: Identify common errors in construction

  • The floor is peeling, blistering is caused by rolling with dry glue, the floor is not wet, before screeding, do not water to moisten the concrete floor.
  • the subfloor is pitted, even cracked. The reason is that the quantity of mixed mortar is not correct, the sand is not well-rayed, so there is still dirt that makes the floor surface not flat.
  • The height of floor screeding is not equal or not flat. The main reason is the wrong leveling, not adjusting the appropriate height.

Step 4: Process pipes, waterproof

• Waterproofing

  • Waterproofing treatment is an important requirement when screeding. This step requires waterproofing the base with 2 layers and then checking the water settlement to begin implementation. Make sure to stay hydrated for 48 hours.
  • Continue to soak in water to a depth of about 100mm.
  • Check the water level once every 8 hours, keep it at a stable level, neither too much nor too little.
  • While testing to check water, care should be taken to avoid evaporation and water run-off from within the area where the waterproofing has been performed.


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Step 5: Evaluation and acceptance of screed

  • The floor of the house is flat, there are no abnormal protrusions.
  • The floor screeding has the correct height and slope according to the design.
  • The mortar layer ensures the thickness according to the technical requirements.
  • The floor screeding must be durable, no cracks or hollow sounds appear.



See more of our screeding projects at Gallery

See more of our screeding projects at Gallery

See more of our screeding projects at Gallery

See more of our screeding projects at Gallery

Above, we have explained to you why we should screed floor with sand anh cement before laying floor tilesand the benefits of screeding. For more detailed information about the flooring service (including price, cost, process, …) of Australiatiler, you can click Introduction Of Floor Screeding Service.

Quickly contact us by visiting Australiatiler website or calling us by phone number 0415165999 directly for advice and best deals.

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