

Collection of articles about tiles, marble, and our works.

Learn About The Construction Industry In Australia

Learn About The Construction Industry In Australia

Australia’s construction industry is a dynamic and pivotal sector, playing a significant role in the nation’s economy. From towering skyscrapers in bustling cities to expansive infrastructure projects crisscrossing the outback, the construction industry is at the heart of Australia’s development. This blog post delves into various aspects of this vital industry, exploring its current state,

Understanding the Cost of Tiler Services: Factors to Consider for Your Project

Are you planning to remodel your bathroom, upgrade your kitchen or install new flooring for your balcony? Sure, determining how much it costs of tiler service is very important. However, determining the cost of tiler service can be challenging, as there are quite a few factors to consider. In this article, Australiatiler will provide you

Những Điều Bạn Nên Biết Về Cát Láng Nền

Cát láng nền là một yếu tố quan trọng trong ngành xây dựng và cảnh quan. Nó được sử dụng để tạo bề mặt phẳng cho gạch lát hoặc bê tông, đảm bảo rằng sản phẩm cuối cùng có tính thẩm mỹ và cấu trúc vững chắc. Tuy nhiên, không phải tất cả cát đều

Everything You Need to Know About Screeding Sand

Screeding sand is an important element in the construction and landscaping industries. It is used to create a flat surface for paving bricks or concrete, ensuring that the final product is both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound. However, not all sand is suitable for screeding, and there are many different factors to consider when choosing

Everything You Need to Know About Screeding Mix: Tips and Techniques

Are you planning a new construction project? Chances are you’ll need to use the screeding mix to create a smooth and level surface for your tiles, carpets, or other flooring types. However, concrete and screed mix are easy to confuse because they are made of the same basic ingredients – cement, aggregate, and water. At

Mọi Thứ Bạn Cần Biết Về Bê Tông Láng Nền

Bê tông láng nền là một bước thiết yếu để đạt được bề mặt nhẵn và bằng phẳng cho các dự án lát sàn hoặc vỉa hè của bạn. Cho dù bạn là người đam mê tự làm hay là một thợ xây chuyên nghiệp, điều quan trọng là bạn phải nắm vững các kỹ

Hướng Dẫn Cách Lát Nền Nhà Vệ Sinh Đẹp 2023

Khi xã hội phát triển, nhu cầu làm đẹp, trang trí nhà cửa của mọi người càng tăng cao. Không chỉ chú trọng đến việc trang trí không gian nội thất. Mọi người còn mong muốn ngôi nhà của mình trở nên hoàn hảo đến từng chi tiết. Từ công trình chính trong ngôi nhà

Top Các Mẫu Gạch Lát Hiên Nhà Đẹp, Độc, Bền Nhất 2023

Đối với nhiều người, nhà không chỉ là nơi để ở, nhà còn là nơi giúp chúng ta nuôi dưỡng tâm hồn, cân bằng lại cảm xúc, tiếp thêm năng lượng sau ngày dài làm việc mệt mỏi. Hiên nhà là nơi lý tưởng để thực hiện những điều như thế. Bạn có thể vừa

Những Lưu Ý Khi Chọn Gạch Lát Nền Nhà Tắm Và Gợi Ý Một Số Ý Tưởng Lát Gạch Nhà Tắm Đẹp

Có nhiều ý tưởng về gạch lát nhà tắm cũng như màu sắc và kích thước của  gạch. Quy tắc thiết kế duy nhất phải tuân theo là chọn gạch lát nền phòng tắm không thấm nước, bền và đảm bảo rằng lớp nền được tráng một cách cẩn thận . Trước khi bắt đầu ốp lát phòng tắm

Những Điều Cần Lưu Ý Khi Lựa Chọn Gạch Ốp Lát Cho Cầu Thang 

1. Ưu tiên những loại gạch có kết cấu cứng cáp và chịu được áp lực lớn Đây là nơi thường xuyên đi lại, cho nên nếu bạn chỉ vì muốn tiết kiệm một chút chi phí mà lựa chọn những loại gạch không rõ xuất xứ, có kết cấu không đảm bảo. Thì chỉ

Ý Nghĩa Logo

Ý Nghĩa Logo Của Australiatiler

Tính biểu tượng Nhìn vào đầu tiên, ta thấy là hình ảnh cây xẻng. Đây là biểu tượng của nghành xây dựng nói chung, mang tính chất đặc trưng cho các dịch vụ của Australiatiler  là lát gạch và tráng nền. Nó cũng thể hiện một cách rõ ràng về lĩnh vực, ngành nghề mà

Hồ Bơi Đẹp Sẽ Làm Tăng Giá Trị Cho Ngôi Nhà Của Bạn

Hồ Bơi Đẹp Sẽ Làm Tăng Giá Trị Cho Ngôi Nhà Của Bạn

Với mong muốn cải thiện chất lượng cuộc sống và dành nhiều thời gian riêng tư ở nhà, nhiều người đã chọn lắp đặt bể bơi trong nhà để giúp họ có một mùa hè sảng khoái và mát mẻ. Một hồ bơi có thể là một bổ sung thú vị, hấp dẫn cho quang

Đội Ngũ Với Hơn 10 Năm Kinh Nghiệm

Australiatler Có Đội Ngũ Với Hơn 10 Năm Kinh Nghiệm

Khi tìm thợ xây dựng, sửa chữa nhà cửa ta nên tìm hiểu kĩ về đối tác vì khi nhân lực có tay nghề không đảm bảo sẽ gây ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng, kết quả của công trình. Chính vì vậy, thuê thợ xây dựng, sửa chữa ở đâu là mối quan tâm hàng

Screeding Your Bathroom Floor

Screeding Your Bathroom Floor: A Step-by-Step Guide for a Smooth and Level Surface

If you’re considering a bathroom renovation or installing a new bathroom floor, it’s important to ensure that the surface floor is smooth and level. This is where screeding comes in – it’s the process of applying a thin layer of the cement-based mixture to the floor to create a flat and even surface. A well-screeded

Everything You Need to Know About Screeding Concrete

Everything You Need to Know About Screeding Concrete

Screeding concrete is an essential step in achieving a smooth and even surface for your flooring or pavement projects. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a professional contractor, it’s important to master the techniques and tips for screeding concrete. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about screeding concrete, from the tools

5 Benefits Of Using Screeding In Your Construction Projects

Screeding is a crucial construction process involving spreading and leveling a thin material layer on a floor or a surface. Screeding has numerous benefits, although it may seem like a simple task. From providing a smooth and level surface to enhancing the durability of floors, screeding has become an essential part of any construction project.

How To Tile For Floor Toilet

As society develops, people’s demand for beauty and home decoration increases. Not only focusing on interior decoration. Everyone wants their home to be perfect in every detail. From the main work in the house to the auxiliary works such as the tiled verandah, bathroom, and toilet, … The tiled toilet is important to create a

Why Should I Choose Herringbone Tiles For The Floor?

Beautiful floors are an important factor that creates the beauty of the house. To get a beautiful floor, not only choosing the right floor tiles but also choosing the suitable tiling method contributes to creating a unique and new appearance for the house. There are many tiling methods such as traditional tiling, diagonal tiling, and

Best Outdoor Tile Ideas For Your Verandah

For many people, home is not only a place to stay, it is also a place to help nourish our souls, balance our emotions, and energize after a long tiring day at work. The verandah is the perfect place to do such things. You can both sunbathe and sip a cup of coffee early in

Top 10 Best Tiled Shower Ideas

There are many ideas for shower tiles as well as tile colors, designs, and sizes of tiles. The only design rule to follow is to choose waterproof, durable shower floor tiles and ensure that the subfloor is carefully coated. Before you start tiling your bathroom, take the time to find out tile types and see

Tips To Choose The Best Staircase Tiles

Stairs are seen as connecting wires, linking floors in the house. Therefore, the selection of tiles for stairs needs to ensure the aesthetics of the house, and at the same time, ensure the safety factors for users. With the right tiles, you can create a timeless staircase design that is both believable and beautiful. If

Introduce Tiled Balcony And The Top 6 Best Balcony Tiles

The balcony is one of the most loved areas of any home. The corner of the balcony is a place where we can chill in our free time or after stressful working hours. From sipping a cup of coffee in the morning to relaxing in the cool night breeze after dinner, everyone from children to

What Are The Benefits Of Tiled Outdoor Walls?

Outdoor wall tiles are a trend in exterior design and decoration today, aiming to increase the aesthetics and protect the house from the erratic changes of the weather. In the following article, Australiatiler will give the benefits of outdoor wall tiles and the criteria for choosing outdoor wall tiles to own a durable and beautiful


How To Waterproof When Screeding A Shower Base?

With the characteristic that the floor is often wet and easily damaged due to daily contact with water when installing the screed for the shower base, it needs to be thoroughly waterproofed to keep the structure to be durable and increase the life of the building. In today’s article, Australiatiler will introduce to you the

Introduction Of Screeding Tiles

The house is a private space where each of us can rest, relax, and shake off all the fatigue of the day. To have a dream home, in addition to house design and interior selection, tiles are also an important factor to help homeowners shape and express their lifestyles clearly. Tiles have become more popular

Ý Nghĩa Logo

What Is The Meaning Of Australiatiler’s Logo?

Symbolic At first glance, we can see the image of a shovel. This is a general symbol of the construction industry, which is typical for Australiatiler‘s services of tiling and screeding floors. It also clearly shows the field and industry that Australiatiler is aiming for. The image of a dragon is delicately integrated inside the

The House Will Increase In Value If There Is A Beautiful Swimming Pool

The House Will Increase In Value If There Is A Beautiful Swimming Pool

With the desire to improve their quality of life and spend more private time at home than usual, many people have chosen to install a swimming pool in their homes to help them have a comfortable and cool summer season. A swimming pool can be a fun, attractive addition to a home’s view and utility

We Have A Team Of Professional Workers With More Than 10 Years Of Experience

When looking for builders and home repairers, we should find out carefully because when skilled human resources are not guaranteed, it will affect the quality and results of the work. Therefore, hiring builders and repairers is the top concern of many project owners, contractors, households, etc. Australiatiler provides a source of quality workers with a

Introduction Of Floor Screeding Service

Introduction Of Floor Screeding Service

Floor screeding is the basis for finishing the floor and greatly affects the quality, performance and durability of the entire floor system. Therefore, Floor screeding is a vital construction step after the construction is completed. So, what is floor screeding and what is the requirement for a perfect screed? Let’s find out with Australiatiler through

Best Tiler Service In Sydney

Best Tiler Service In Sydney

  Many current construction works such as houses, schools, high-rise buildings,… cannot lack the tiling stage. The tiling stage requires careful and meticulous execution. And requires skilled tilers. The construction or use of professional tiler services with proper technique. It will increase the beauty as well as prolong the life of the building. Through this

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